Looking to cancel your housing?
You'll need to login via the student login at the top and then navigate to "housing cancellation form" at the top of the next screen.
Welcome to the Saint Mary's Campus Housing StarRez Portal! This is where you will access all of the applications for your Housing stay throughout your time here at Saint Mary's.
Please note in order to submit a housing application, students will need to have their SMC credentials and login via Single Sign On (SSO) - click the Student Login button via SSO on this page in the top menu settings.
Incoming First Year Students & Incoming Transfer
Housing Applications open March 5th and are due June 1st for FY students, and by July 1 for Transfer students. Room selection will take place July 1st online for those who apply by the deadline, but housing applications will continue to be accepted throughout the summer leading into the Fall semester. Check out our website for more information about first-year housing options, a guide on how to apply, and frequently asked questions.
A reminder:
- The preferences for your room assignments are not guranteed, and are primarily used for Campus Housing when doing manual housing assignments.
If you have any questions about your application, or housing in general, reach out to the Housing Office! - Housing Phone: 925-631-4241 - Housing Email: housing@stmarys-ca.edu